你可能会发现这是令人惊讶的,但世界上实际上有几种树蛙。 当然,最具数字关联性的是设计师,程序员和网站工程师,他们以某种方式登上了青蛙名字。 但是,我们本着透明和诚实的精神,正式承认存在第二种类型的青蛙:两栖动物。
现在,两栖动物不是爬行动物,而是动物学类的一名成员,称为两栖动物。 它们是冷血(或热血性的)脊椎动物。 它们与爬行动物不同,因为它们缺乏鳞屑,并且通常回到水中繁殖。 它们是三种类型的两栖动物之一:Anura,也称为Salientia(青蛙和蟾蜍),尾状(蝾螈和蝾螈)和caecilians(蠕虫状两栖动物)。 两栖动物与爬行动物组成了一个更大的群体,称为牧群。
你可能会发现这是令人惊讶的,但世界上实际上有几种树蛙。 当然,最具数字关联性的是设计师,程序员和网站工程师,他们以某种方式登上了青蛙名字。 但是,我们本着透明和诚实的精神,正式承认存在第二种类型的青蛙:两栖动物。
现在,两栖动物不是爬行动物,而是动物学类的一名成员,称为两栖动物。 它们是冷血(或热血性的)脊椎动物。 它们与爬行动物不同,因为它们缺乏鳞屑,并且通常回到水中繁殖。 它们是三种类型的两栖动物之一:Anura,也称为Salientia(青蛙和蟾蜍),尾状(蝾螈和蝾螈)和caecilians(蠕虫状两栖动物)。 两栖动物与爬行动物组成了一个更大的群体,称为牧群。
Written by: Andrea Gust
There are actually several varieties of tree frogs in the world
You may find this surprising, but there are actually several varieties of tree frogs in the world. The most digitally relevant are, of course, the group of designers, programmers and website engineers who have somehow landed themselves with the name The Frogs. However, in a spirit of transparency and honesty, we would like to formally admit to the existence of a second type of frog: the amphibian.
Now, an amphibian is not a reptile, but a member of the zoological class called Amphibia. They are cold-blooded (or poikilothermic) vertebrate animals. They differ from reptiles in that they lack scales and generally return to water to breed. They are one of three types of Amphibians: Anura, also called Salientia, (frogs and toads), caudate (salamanders and newts) and caecilians (worm-like amphibians). Amphibians together with reptiles make up a larger group called Herps.
The study of reptiles and amphibians is called Herpetology. Herp comes from the Greek word herpeton, which basically means "creepy crawly things that move about on their bellies." A herptile is an individual herp. A person who keeps and breeds herps is called a herpetoculturist and the hobby is called herpetoculture.